Thursday, January 15, 2015

Xpresso Book Tours Blog Tour for The Body Electric by Beth Revis!!

Hey there everyone! Today I'm taking part in the Blog Tour for The Body Electric by Beth Revis, one of my fave books of 2014, organized by Xpresso Book Tours!

I will be sharing my review & a Blog Tour wide giveaway, so click HERE for the full tour schedule! But before that, let's get you some more information about the book & author, shall we?

The Body Electric by Beth Revis 
Published by: Scripturient Books
Publication date: October 6th 2014
Genres: Science Fiction, Young Adult


The future world is at peace.

Ella Shepherd has dedicated her life to using her unique gift—the ability to enter people’s dreams and memories using technology developed by her mother—to help others relive their happy memories.

But not all is at it seems.

Ella starts seeing impossible things—images of her dead father, warnings of who she cannot trust. Her government recruits her to spy on a rebel group, using her ability to experience—and influence—the memories of traitors. But the leader of the rebels claims they used to be in love—even though Ella’s never met him before in her life. Which can only mean one thing…

Someone’s altered her memory.

Ella’s gift is enough to overthrow a corrupt government or crush a growing rebel group. She is the key to stopping a war she didn’t even know was happening. But if someone else has been inside Ella’s head, she cannot trust her own memories, thoughts, or feelings.

About the author:

Beth Revis is the NY Times bestselling author of the Across the Universe series. The complete trilogy is now available in more than 20 languages. A native of North Carolina, Beth’s most recent book is The Body Electric, which tells the story of what was happening on Earth while the characters of Across the Universe were in space.


I've always been a big lover of science fiction and I really enjoyed Beth Revis' Across The Stars series, so when I heard she was self publishing a book set in Earth at the time the story of Godspeed was happening in space, I was extremely excited to read it!

And once I got my hands on it, I'm very happy to say it didn't disappoint at all! Not only I really enjoyed reading about what life on Earth was like after Godspeed had left it, I also really loved the story in itself, because if there's something I love about science fiction is how it always manages to ask some serious questions in between the tech and the action and "ooooh shiny! future stuff" things.

Ella is our main character and she was a girl dealing with grief from a death that happened and for one that might come in the not too distant future and that shapes how she acts and reacts. She isn't entirely sure of who to trust and the more she learns about what is going on and herself, the less sure she is about everything.

Jack is a character that seems to be more sure of everything that Ella at any given point of the book, but he's a bit too sure at times it seems, I liked him more when he showed doubt or didn't have all the answers. But I liked that his certainity never wavered when it came to Ella!

I won't talk much about the plot of the story because I'd rather you lot go along with it and be surprised or figure it out at your own pace, but I must say that despite all the comparisons and hints along the way, I was mostly surprised when most of the revelations happened.

The Body Electric like all good science fiction novels makes us think about what it really means to be human, what do we want from technology and what we're ready to give up in the name of comfort and safety, and how even the best of intentions can turn into the worst of acts.

Beth Revis managed to create a great novel, filled with references that would make any geek happy and with enough content to stand very well in its own two feet! Very well deserved 4 to 4.5 stars!


Tour-wide giveaway (US/CAN)
  • Complete signed trilogy of the Across the Universe series
  • A signed copy of The Body Electric
  • An Across the Universe branded water bottle (image attached)


  1. I loved it when I found out she linked the story to the Across the Universe books (which I loved SO much). I haven'read this yet, but I have the ebook reeady to go. I won a signed limited edition copy, but because I am such a stellar sister, and Beth is my little sis's fave YA author I gave it to her. I am really humble, huh?

    1. I hope you get to read it soon and will like it! And you're one hell of an awesome sister, La!

  2. Yay :D Awesome review Pili. <3 I'm so glad you enjoyed this book. I just loved it so much. Sigh. But aw, I wanted to take part in this tour too :( but I didn't get any email back after I signed up. Hmph. How mean, lol :) But so glad you got to take part in it. <3 I love your post. Thank you for sharing sweetie :D Beth is just all kinds of awesome. <3

    1. I'm so sad you didn't get to take part of the tour! I'm so happy that you loved it!
      And yep, Beth is awesome!

  3. PILI!! So happy to see you enjoyed this one! I know you're a fan of this genre so I was hoping you'd love it. It sounds like such a fun read and I also love how sci-fi books can often be thought provoking and make worlds that, even though are fiction, you can understand how it got to that point you know. Awesome review, hun!

    1. YAY! I absolutely adored it, as you said, it's so much my thing! =D
      Thank you Giselle!

  4. I can't wait to read this book! So glad you enjoyed, it makes me more excited to read it!

    1. Yes! You need to read it, Lis! I cannot wait to hear what you think!

  5. YAY I also really enjoyed this one!! The scif-fi-ness of it all was very refreshing to me so I'm really glad I gave this book a try even though I never read Across the Universe trilogy. I feel like I need to though! Lovely review Pili :)

    1. If you liked this one, you have to give a try to the trilogy too, Eileen!
      Thank you!

  6. Oooh, I wasn't planning to get this (the premise didn't initially interest me) but if it pushes you to think and ponder of humanity amongst a technology-filled world, I'd be game to pick it up! I'd be so down for discussions like that :)

    Faye at The Social Potato

    1. If you like those kind of issues, give this one a try Faye! It science fiction at its core!!

  7. Haha well you know how I felt about this one. Glad you enjoyed it!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

    1. Thank you Alyssa dear! So sorry you didn't enjoy it more!

  8. I've heard great things about the body electric book and the concept does really intrigue me, it's totally up my alley with the space theme too. Great review pili!

    1. Though it is not set in space, it is a fantastic science fiction book, and I hope you'll give it a try Jeann!

  9. I have also posted a review for this book on the tour! I enjoyed it a lot, and the plot twist at the end totally threw me. The world was intriguing and it had me amazed. I feel like this would make such a good movie. I think the pacing was a bit off, but that was the only flaw I could see.

    1. Yeah, the pacing at first was a bit odd since we weren't sure what was going on, but I really loved this book!
      Thanks Olivia!


¡Muchas gracias por vuestros comentarios, leerlos me alegra el día!/ Thanks a lot for all your comments, reading them brightens my day!!