Kyoko from Cotton and Cloud gave my blog an award!! I'm so HAPPY! My blog got its first award!!

There are a few rules once you get this award (as usual, with power comes responsability, doesn't it?), so here they are:
1. Put the Award on your blog - Done.
2. Put a link on your blog of the blogger that gave you the award - Done.
3. Nominate Five other bloggers: Now this will be hard, I love reading all the blogs!
Mara has an amazing blog where she features great sellers from the DIYScene Street Team, so you can find some amazing talented new sellers!
Sheika is not only a very talented artist & photographer, but she also has great new finds and featured sellers on her blog!
Sofia writes about her life in Japan, and how her bussiness started in this blog, full of loads of really cute stories and interesting facts about Japan!
I love Jussara's shop, and I love her products, so her blog talking about the behind the scenes and featuring new products is one of my favourites to read!
I love Amber's shop, and I love her blog! Not only she talks about her shops and products, but she has recently started doing reviews & giveaways, and I love that I can find new amazing shops through her blog!
4. Leave a comment on their blog notifying them - On it!
5. List Five things that I'm addicted to: Gaurav, Etsy & shopping, reading, tea and DIYScene!
Happy reading and happy blogging!
OMG, thanks so much Pili!!
ReplyDeleteI'm so dense, I just noticed your comment on my blog about this. Thank you Ms. Pili!!!!