Saturday, May 7, 2011

Saturday Song: Sucker Punch Soundtrack!

Hello my dears!

Yesterday I missed my Feature Friday, but my excuse is that I spent most of the day sleeping after working Thursday night shift, and having to work night shift again.

So to make up for it, I'm leaving you with a song from the soundtrack of Sucker Punch, since I've been pretty obsessed with the music from that movie since I saw it with the bf.

Without further ado, "Where Is My Mind?"!


  1. Love that band!! Excellent choice m'dear ;) x

  2. Haven't heard of this band. Interesting music. Will have to play it for son1 - sounds like it would be something he would like.

  3. I have been looking for this soundtrack, I will definitely have to pick it up :)


¡Muchas gracias por vuestros comentarios, leerlos me alegra el día!/ Thanks a lot for all your comments, reading them brightens my day!!