I thought it would be proper to give an introduction as to how I got into the shopping handmade world, so here goes: It all started with an Iron Maiden concert and Ebay.
Let me elaborate; there was this upcoming Maiden concert in Barcelona I was going to, and I wanted to find a more girly (can I use the word girly next to Maiden?) t-shirt, since I didn't want to wear one of those baggy guy t-shirts. I was linked to a few eBay listings, all by The Dark Queen http://shop.ebay.com/merchant/the-dark-queen_W0QQ_nkwZQQ_armrsZ1QQ_fromZQQ_mdoZ all really great, interesting reconstructions, but I was so unsure of the whole internet shopping, the use of credit cards online... I ended up going to the concert without a t-shirt, and buy one in the stands at the concert. But, I had liked those tops so much I decided to give it a try, so I decided to create a eBay account, and a Paypal account... and that was the beginning, I ended up getting 3 or 4 tops from her, a dress and a top from another lovely seller http://www.re-vamp.net/ ... Also Obskura and Madfoxes... There started my eBay obssesion, looking for amazing Maiden tops, and it soon extended to other types of clothing... So, lil by lil I found other sellers like Meow Kiki, Label of Hope, Bunny Massacre, Vivifromage, Poppyswickedgarden, Mylittlemonster, Turtlemaggie...
I started adding most of those seller's myspace page, and started talking to them online, which meant I already became friends with some of them. That made me realize how different buying handmade things directly from the sellers is from buying from any chain shop in a mall. I've also found other sellers through some sellers myspace page, and through them some seller's website like AngryGirl Gear, Dungaree Dolly's bags & Headless Tess DIY!
I found Etsy through one of my friends from the SW forums, that had started a shop there. I started an account there, started looking around and found some amazing sellers there, like Spa Therapy Works, my favourite B&B shop, and other many great sellers!
I found Etsy to be a much more personal and friendly site than eBay, so I decided to switch to it, and nowadays, I barely use my eBay account. I was never really a huge fan of the bidding system, as I'm no fan of haggling in markets or the like, so the more simple "buy for a fixed price" is much more to my liking!
From Etsy I was link by some of those sellers to this wonderful & addicting forum called DIYscene! I found and met many more sellers and discovered many more talented people, that despite me not being "one of them" hence a crafter, I was welcomed, and my opinion greatly appreciated! If you want to meet and greet amazing & talented sellers, you need to join!

You'll be meeting all my favourite sellers and their products through future entries in this blog, hopefully starting tomorrow itself!
May The Force Be With You, and all that jazz!
And I'm in love with Pili!!!! :D